Conversations: Knowing Jesus as Saviour and Lord

Episode 4 April 01, 2024 00:30:56
Conversations: Knowing Jesus as Saviour and Lord
The YA Podcast
Conversations: Knowing Jesus as Saviour and Lord

Apr 01 2024 | 00:30:56


Show Notes

EPISODE 4: Conversations with Kelsey McDonald and Erin Planner

This week we are joined by Erin Planner, Neuma Church's Global Prayer Pastor. Come along as we discuss what it means to have Jesus as Lord, and how our lives change when we allow Him to have Lordship over our lives.



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Episode Transcript

[00:00:02] Speaker A: Welcome to the YA podcast. Lean in. As we dive into the practicals of life with Jesus as spirit filled young adults. [00:00:27] Speaker B: All right, good morning, everybody. Or good afternoon or whatever time of day it is that you're hearing this podcast. Welcome back to the YA podcast. We hope you guys are enjoying it so far. We pray you're getting something out of it. You're here with Kelsey today and a very, very, very special guest who I'm gonna introduce in a second. It's someone that you know and love. It's someone that is so a part of our Niemah family and a part of our young adults family. She was at retreat with us. She was on that journey with us. And all that God did there it is. None other than Pastor Aaron Planner. Welcome to the podcast. [00:00:59] Speaker A: Oh, my God. This is so much fun. I am so excited. I absolutely love everything God's doing in young adults, and I am constantly praying for you guys because I'm just excited. My spirit leaps every time. There is something that God is doing in this generation that is holy and is unique and is very powerful. Bring it on. [00:01:23] Speaker B: Bring it on. I'm very pumped. And I don't know if we said this in the first episode or not, but one of the catalysts for this podcast was when we were away at young adults retreat. We had an epic session that was literally, like, so spirit led conversation, so cool. And it was with yourself and Thomas and got so much feedback after that. [00:01:43] Speaker A: That people were like, we love this. [00:01:44] Speaker B: And we feel like we actually got so much out of it. [00:01:46] Speaker A: Come on. [00:01:47] Speaker B: Which then, when we came to you asking about whether we should do a podcast or not, you were like, I don't even need to pray about it. [00:01:51] Speaker A: Holy Spirit says, yes. [00:01:53] Speaker B: I was like, cool. When the prayer pastor is saying, she doesn't even need to pray about it. And Holy Spirit says, yes, I go with that. I run with that. But thank you so much for being on with us today. We're talking all things secret place, intimacy with God, something that we all love, we all aspire to have more of and something that is so necessary in this every generation, because that's God's heart for his children. But I feel like, especially in this generation, the Lord is shaping his children to be more aware of his presence and more intimate with him on a personal level. And that that would be the place that we minister to him in the corporate space. And I know that this is something that the Lord's been taking you on a massive, massive journey on over the last few years. But before we get to that part. I want to hear a bit about you. The people want to hear about Aaron. Not Pastor Aaron, not global prayer pastor Aaron. Erin Planner. We want to hear about her. We want to hear about your journey with the Lord. So please share with us some of your testimonies. [00:02:55] Speaker A: Done. Sharing Jesus confidently. So I know how to stay on my time. In three minutes, five minutes, half an hour, 1 hour. This is the barista one. This is three minutes. Okay, great. Awesome. So I met Jesus as Lord and as savior in two very different moments in my life. And I think most people kind of meet him like Lord and savior in the same moment, but for me that was really distinct. So I actually met Jesus like and accepted him as savior of my life as at a young youth alive event. [00:03:24] Speaker B: Come on now. [00:03:25] Speaker A: Hella out to youth alive. They're doing an amazing, they're amazing ministry. Yeah. And I'm forever grateful because I would not have met him if it had not have been for one of their events that they threw a friend of mine who's still my best friend to this day. We've been friends since eight years old. She loved the Lord. Her family knew the Lord. None of my family know the Lord yet, so you can all be praying for them. But she invited me along to a rally and I think I was about twelve at the time and got to the end. Altar call. Heart was panning out of my chest. I can't remember anything else about the night, like can't remember what was preached. So that's, that's just like a relief for preachers. Can't remember what was preached, can't remember the altar calls given. I just knew that I had to go down the front and say yes, like to Jesus. So I did that and it was a very sincere yes like to the Lord. And it's crazy because I didn't, I don't even think I fully knew what I was saying yes to, but it was very genuine. And then about twelve months later we went to another youth, like a live rally. And I remember they were doing another altcool for something. I didn't really know what it was. All my friends were going down the front and the peace that was in the room was just like, yeah, it was, I wouldn't have even been able to describe it at that age, but I just loved it. I just loved being in whatever this was. [00:04:39] Speaker B: Yeah, you were just drawn to it. [00:04:40] Speaker A: Yeah, totally. So I mean, that's like the manifest presence of the Lord. Hey. Like he is peace. He's the prince of peace. So when they did an altar call for that, I was like, I don't even understand what they're doing. I just want more of whatever this is in the room that I feel here because it's making me feel awesome. And went down the front, and they, it was an altar call for baptism, the holy spirit and gift of tongues. And I got baptized. He received the gift of tongues, and. [00:05:04] Speaker B: You'Re like, I still don't really know what's going on. [00:05:06] Speaker A: I didn't. I was speaking in tongues. I was like, I'm like, wow, what is this? Like, this is crazy. And all I knew was I felt so loved. I felt so loved. So I didn't know what was happening. I didn't understand it. Someone else had to explain it to me later. Like, I didn't know. I had never read the book of acts, but I just knew that all I felt in that moment was just the love and the peace of God. So I knew whatever it was was good because I felt good. [00:05:29] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:05:29] Speaker A: Yeah. So that was kind of like where I met Jesus as savior of my life. I had no discipleship forums. I was living quite in a rural area, and I was going to a christian church. So we had, like, that education as part of, like, our week. But I didn't have any real friends that I was doing, like, life group or going to church with or anything like that. So I'm a big fan of these things because although I had made a decision, because I had no other way of discipleship other than the discipleship of the world, I went and walked into my teenage years being discipled by the world. And so I knew Jesus was real. He even spoke to me in dreams and visions at, like, really critical times in my life. But I lived according to the ways of the world until I was 30. [00:06:11] Speaker B: Wow. [00:06:12] Speaker A: So I really didn't surrender my life to him as Lord until I was in my early thirties. So that must have been such an. [00:06:20] Speaker B: Interesting almost dichotomy in your life where you're like, I know Jesus is real, but, like, nothing in my life is reflecting, sort of like, yeah, yeah, totally. So it's still always coming back to, like, but I know Jesus is real, and I know that I've encountered his presence. [00:06:35] Speaker A: Uh huh. Uh huh. It was. And I think, like, it's an encouragement because once, once he is in your heart, like, once the holy spirit resides in you, he is constantly wooing you to the ways of the Lord. So I got to about 30 in my life, and I probably had on paper like, what would have looked like a perfect kind of life. So I'd done a double degree. I ducks every subject that I'd done at university. I had then gone on and won scholarships. I had done, like, international business as a subject and then won scholarships to go overseas and work in companies in Italy. I'd studied italian language as part of my degree. And so, like, at 23, I was like, or 24. I was working for a huge company. I was working for KBMG in Italy, like, living what looked like, you know, the perfect life and. And then probably did that for quite some time. By the time I got to 30, I had achieved, I think, every goal that I had set for myself in life. And I felt really empty inside. And so I'd, like, I had a crazy, crazy salary. I had more money than I knew what to do with. You know, I was working for a really prestigious company. I was living in Shanghai at the time because of work for this company in a huge home. I had a driver, cleaner. I was married at the time. My husband was on the board director of Maserati. Like, all the accolades that in life looked like you should be, like, so satisfied. And I was so empty inside to the point where it would keep me awake for months and months on end. I just lie in bed at night and be like, is this all there is? Like, if I died tomorrow, like, what actually would have been the purpose of my life? And that seed of purpose that the Lord has in every one of us was what the Holy Spirit was stirring on me to seek him more. Wow. So I kind of got to this place in my life in my early thirties where I was like, it's. This is actually not enough. And I felt really cheated. I felt like I'd been promised by just cultural narratives that if I'd achieved this, this, this, and I'd be successful and I would feel so satisfied and I felt so cheated. I felt so cheated. I've, like, I worked my whole life to obtain all these things and I'm so, so empty inside and so unsatisfied. So the Holy Spirit probably spent about, yeah, four years between my late twenties and early thirties really keeping me awake at night and really stirring me. And so I knew that, like, God had a plan and purpose for my life. I knew that much. I'd been discipled that much. And so I started to cry out to God and ask him, like, okay, if this isn't it, what is it? Like, what was I created for in the meantime? This friend of mine, the same one who took me to the youth alive rally when I was twelve and 13. She's like, she's discipling me. Like, we live in different countries. She's calling me and she's like, you know, just. Just being that friend, like, that knows the Lord, that's like, guiding you in the right ways. And she's like, yes, Aaron. Like, God has a plan, a purpose, and, like, you can pray and you can ask him and you can seek for that. So I initially thought that it was, like, something to do with, like, arts. I'd studied a lot of arts and wanted to go into arts. And then my dad's like, you're never gonna get a job in arts. Go into business. So I went into business. I was like, okay, maybe I meant to do art stuff, but I didn't realize that that wasn't it at all until probably I had some things in my life start to unravel in my early thirties, including. And it's the whole testimony itself, but including my ex husband who had multiple affairs and then left me. So this was like, kind of, like, started to everything that I had created in my life, there started to be a little bit of an unraveling of, like, yeah, I created this career, but it wasn't what I was feeling satisfied in. I didn't want to spend the next 30 years of my life doing it. This marriage that I hadn't asked the Lord anything about had now disintegrated. And it really, in that moment, there were some really dark times of my life in that space. And I came back to Melbourne. I'd been living overseas for ten years, was planning to head from Europe back to the US. And this friend of mine, she said, erin, I think you should come back to Melbourne. Just be with friends. Just be in a place where you can, like, heal and have some good wisdom spoken into your life. And I thought, all right, I'll give it twelve months. Like, that sounds wise. I don't want to do it, but it sounds wise. So I came back to Melbourne and she just sort of loved on me. And then she's like, you know, you need to get, like, planted into a good community. You need to, like, get planted into a good church and just have people love on you and, you know, walk with you in this, like, healing journey. And I said, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yep, yep. And she's, she passed it in different church, but she said, like, I really, she knew the young adults pastors that time here at Numa. And she said, I really feel like when I pray for you, this is like, where the Lord wants you to go. And so she said, like, if I. If I come, I'd spent three months, like, saying, yeah, I'll go. And then never going. And then she's like, if I come to you, come with you. Like, if I take you, we go. I'm like, yes, I totally will. I just don't want to go by myself. So she took me to a night service, and I'll probably cry when I tell this story because just the goodness of God just washes over me every time. But she took me to a night service. I think it was like a five or 06:00 p.m. Service at the time. And I walked in the building, and literally, as I walked in the foyer, I felt what I had felt at twelve and 13 years old, and it was just the peace of God and this love of God. I was like, whoa. And it felt like home. Like, my soul felt at home for the first time in a very long time. So I was like, oh, gosh, that wrestle that happens in your flesh. Anyway, we get into the service and pastor RAF is preaching, and his sermon title was a good God and bad situations. And I was like, this is exactly where I'm at, which is what you're saying. Like, it was a tension of, like, I know God's good, but my situation is not good right now. Like, I'm, like, in my early thirties, I feel like I've worked for a life that is not satisfying. You're sucking this. I'm in a job that sucks the soul out of me every day. I thought I had a great relationship. I was married for eight years. And then I'm like, now I'm, like, starting at square one. [00:13:03] Speaker B: It looked like you were starting from scratch. [00:13:04] Speaker A: Yeah, it did. And later on. Oh, my gosh, later on, the Lord was so beautiful because I took that to him and I said to him, I'm like, jesus. Like, just in this moment of really crying out of, like, I feel like my life is complete ashes and, like, this is a total white paper, like a blank sheet of paper, and I need to start again at, like, 30. And. And Jesus looked at me and I remember him looking me in the eyes and he said, isn't it great? He's like, this time we get to write the story together. And it was like, oh, my gosh, like, and you know the story. Like, I don't have to be trying to strive to figure out what the story is. Like, you know the story. Like, you are my story. So anyway, I came into that service. And sure enough, like, the entire service was like, just a. Like, everything pastor RAF preached was like a love letter from the Lord to me. Just like, things that he. Phrases that he said were phrases I'd written in my journal, like, months before. Just crazy, like God stuff. And they did the altcoin, sure enough. I'm like, yeah, I need to go down and respond to this. And went down the front, and Pastor Liz was there, and I just needed a mom, and she was beautiful. She was there. She just prayed for me, and that was a pretty radical moment in my life. I think everything changed from that day forward. I got into a life group straight away. I started serving about two, three weeks later just on the welcome team. I didn't know nothing about nothing for Christianity. Like, I'm like, I don't know how to do anything else, but I can definitely smile and make new people feel welcome. I'm also new. So that was it. And just started there. And I've got friends that I served on that team with until this day that, like, yeah, we still do life together. But everything changed from that moment because I was really like, God. I've tried doing life my way, and I know it leads to nothing because I got to the end of that ladder and looked, and there was nothing. So you now get to do whatever you like with this life. So I feel like on that day, Aaron Planer died and Christ now lives in me like, that. I am fully a bondservant for Christ, and, yeah, I hope people don't have to walk that journey and spend 30 years, like, getting to the end of something and realizing, like, it's not the way's everlasting. Like, it's not gonna satisfy your soul, you know? Yeah, all the things. All. That's the short version. Yeah, there's so much in that. But my real prayer is, like, yeah. That people would. Yeah. Would not have to. I mean, there's power in my testimony for sure, but that they would know that he is the way everlasting and not the ways of the world. Although there's nothing wrong with that. Like, if he's leading you to, you know, you know, a corporate job and all, like, we need holy, spirit filled people in all those areas, for sure. But, yeah, that was it. And I think within six months, like, my whole life had changed. Like, I changed apartments, I quit my job, like, a whole bunch of things. God had just been like, okay, we're gonna. Now here's the life like, that I've always had for you. So just one step after the other of obedience. [00:16:19] Speaker B: Yeah, I feel like there's two things that stand out to me in that. The first one is an encouragement of, if you have a friend that is, like, rebelling against the Lord, keep praying for them and keep assisting, because I can imagine friend. I mean, we probably had conversations since then. [00:16:33] Speaker A: Oh, totally. [00:16:33] Speaker B: You were so annoying. I was just like, I could sense the God all over you, and you just, like, off doing your own. [00:16:38] Speaker A: She's like, I was so worried about you. [00:16:40] Speaker B: So don't give up on praying for your friends. That's good that the Lord's putting in your heart. But the other thing I feel like is really beautiful. Out of that is, I feel like often where people almost, like, come unstuck is in Jesus being their lord. It's like we're keen for salvation because we want to turn our life with Jesus. But when it comes to, like, okay, Jesus, actually, you know, even, like, the rich young ruler, it's like he said, sell everything. And he was like, oh, but I. Like, I don't think I could do that, Jesus, like, okay, well, you miss out on living a life walking with me to keep the things that you feel like are really important to you. But I feel like the way that you articulated God's heart to you in that moment was actually, like, it was God's heart of delight towards you as a daughter. [00:17:24] Speaker A: Oh, absolutely. [00:17:27] Speaker B: You know, even before that going, like, cool, you know, Jesus as savior is awesome, but I'm gonna try and make things work my own way. It's like, I feel like sometimes the misconception we can have about Jesus being Lord is that it's almost like, you know, we're enslaving ourselves to him in, like, a negative way. It's like we lose all sense of autonomy over our lives, and he's gonna, you know, send us into the middle of nowhere to be a missionary, and we're gonna be poor. And, like, you know, we just sort of have this idea in our head of, like, if I give Jesus all of this Lord over my life, my life's gonna look like, yeah, I thought. [00:18:02] Speaker A: It was gonna be boring. [00:18:03] Speaker B: Like, I was like, for us, it's like, no. Like, let's go on this journey together. Like, he's so much more for us than what we give him credit for. [00:18:12] Speaker A: I am like, oh, man. I'm, like, so much more content and happy and joy filled than I was when I was working this corporate job with this crazy salary and all the trimmings, and I am more. I feel way less alone and lonely being a single person than I did in a marriage that didn't have God at centre. And I have more family around me now than I've ever had in my entire life. Even though I had to leave a lot of family through the whole divorce process, there was a lot of grief and loss in that. But I feel like I have more family around me now than I've ever had in my entire life. So a big thing for me was I thought, like, christians were so boring. Like, that was my idea of, like, oh, my gosh, if I say yes to Jesus, I'm gonna stay home and read my bible on Friday nights and bought out of my mind. And I was at. I was at a Hillsong color conference, and they brought on a gentleman who was a missionary, and he had just moved. It was during, I think, the afghan war. The Afghanistan war was still on, and he had moved his whole family to Afghanistan to witness and serve the people of Afghanistan during the war. And I remember him testifying, and I remember sitting there, and I remember the Lord saying to me, aaron, like, this Jesus journey can be as wild as you allow it. And I was, like, excited. And at the same time, policeman sent me to Afghanistan. God, like, whoa. I'm just like, wow. Like, yeah, this is not what I thought at all. Like, being a servant to you is like, it's the richest life I could ever imagine. And God blows my mind with things I can't even imagine that come up. I'm like, I couldn't even know what to pray for because I wouldn't even. [00:20:04] Speaker B: Know how to pray for that. [00:20:06] Speaker A: But, yeah, I think you're right, khals. [00:20:07] Speaker B: And I think I kind of want to stay on this lordship topic for awesome. I mean, we don't have too much longer left, but I feel like. I feel like the Lord's on this because something that I often feel quite concerned about when I look at young adults, but just people in church in general is almost like, oh, my gosh, totally. I've said it to our youth before. Like, don't be service junkies. [00:20:28] Speaker A: Yes. Oh, my gosh. That's a good way to say it. [00:20:31] Speaker B: And, like, you know, you even look at the patterns of the world, and, like, I can imagine, you know, if you, as someone working in corporate, was to go up to, like, 90% of your work colleagues, their weekly rhythms probably look like the nine to five grind. Monday to Friday, drinks on Friday night get smashed. [00:20:48] Speaker A: Yep. [00:20:49] Speaker B: Saturday gets club it out on Saturday. [00:20:51] Speaker A: Sunday club it out on Sunday. [00:20:52] Speaker B: Hungover yeah. And, like, I mean, that was my life. [00:20:55] Speaker A: Totally. [00:20:55] Speaker B: And it's almost like people are almost. [00:20:58] Speaker A: Living for the weekend 100%. [00:21:02] Speaker B: But, like, I feel like sometimes I look at the church, and I'm like, yeah, you guys are living for the weekend too, so good, Kelsey, because your nine to five grind or, like, whatever your work situation or study looks like during the week, it's like, oh, life sucks. And, you know, like, I'm just sort of doing whatever, doing what makes my parents happy, doing what's gonna make me money, like, blah, blah, blah. But then you come in on a Sunday, and you're like, jesus, I love you. And, like, you know, rolling around in the holy spirit, and, you know, like, the room's full of joy and the room's full of freedom, which it is. And that's what happens when we come together as a corporate body. But I feel really concerned for people when they. You see those manifestations of God in the Sunday context, but then nothing's actually changing in their lives because they're not allowing Jesus to be lord over their life. [00:21:45] Speaker A: Can I read you something? I read last night. I was praying for this. And this is what I read about. This is what I just wrote. I wrote, it's called this generation. And I said, the Lord wants to build. We keep asking the Lord to build something around us, but he actually wants to build something in us. He wants to move us from a generation of visitation to a generation of habitation. So a generation of visitation, like. Like when you and Tom were, like, dating before you got married, it's like you come over to his house, and it's like you visit and you don't. You're there, and maybe you cook and you make things nice, but when you go to, like, live together, habitate together, it's like all of a sudden you're like, okay, Tom, I don't love that couch. That's gotta go. Why don't you leave your kids? Yes. So sometimes we allow God to visit us and to, I guess, yeah, be a visitation in our hearts, in our minds, in our lives. But he is really wanting a generation that will allow him to inhabit us, to move the furniture of our heart around, to move the affections of our heart around, to change our will. Like, if Jesus. And if Jesus had to have a moment in the garden of Gethsemane where he was like, okay, father. Like, he is God. Like, Jesus is God. But he had this moment where he had to come to the father and say, if there is any other way, I prefer that. But I lay my will down for yours. And he actually. So he actually knows what it's like to be in this moment of wanting something different than what the father wants, but actually having to lay it down. And I just see, like, a generation that, that knows how to live at the feet of Jesus. Not one who wants to bask in ministry accolades. A generation who deeply yearns to catch one more glimpse of the face of Jesus and who are so consumed with being a living sacrifice that their whole life becomes about how they can live on the altar, that they don't even see microphones and platforms and influence and social media, that they're just so consumed with that place of living for him and the altars and creating altars in their life for him. I keep seeing a generation who have prophetically seen the bride and what she will become, and their hearts cry out, make me your dwelling place. And a generation who, in their heart, are a powerful mixture of both Mary's and John the Baptists, who will sit at his feet but also break wine skins by their radical love and radical obedience. That's what I see for our generation, takes lordship to a whole other level. Like, it's not just about allowing the Lord to make decisions in your life. It's about understanding that he's not part of our story, but that we are part of his story in a way that I think when we get to the other side of heaven will shock us. [00:24:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:24:56] Speaker A: Like, the things that we think we don't see have fruit here. When we get there, we're like, oh, my goodness. Like, that little thing here that I was obedient in, that I didn't really even understand, had this massive eternal ramification. [00:25:12] Speaker B: Because I guess lordship, as well, we often go to the extreme of, like, the Lord's gonna make me quit my job and do everything, and, like, rah, rah. And it's like, he could. And when we're living in obedience to him, when we steward the little, he's gonna entrust us with more and he's gonna ask us to take more radical steps of obedience. But, like, for you, your walk of lordship could literally be that on the surface, everything in your life looks exactly the same, but in your heart, everything is changing. Or, like, you know, you work corporate or you work in a school or whatever, but, like, your secret place with Jesus is like deep wells of intercession. And your lordship, and allowing him to have lordship in your life and to be obedient to him is. He's going, you know, son, daughter, I don't want you to change anything. I just want you to commit these places to me and let me be lord over that, and let me use you to shape cities and nations through your prayers. Or it could be the complete opposite end of the spectrum. And he's like, pack up your entire life and move to Europe so that you can be a missionary in Europe. Like, I don't know. Like, that's the joy of following the Lord, is that it's never something that we can plan for, and it's never something that we can put conditions on our obedience. We just have to be willing to be obedient when it comes. [00:26:23] Speaker A: And when he speaks and he's not, he's after our heart. Like, that is what he's after. He's not after. He's not after our career or after our money or after our relationships or after our boyfriend or after our girlfriend. He's after the affection of our heart. Like, he is so jealous of our hearts. That's what he cares about. And I just share my journey with tithing was exactly like that, like, the lordship over my finances. I'd grown up in a family that really actually taught on finance so very well, but it was all, I'd grown up very independent. Like, from the age of 18, I'd lived out of home and provided for myself. And so I had a very independence mindset around finances, which, according to the world, is great, but not the ways of Jesus. And so I would. I remember when I started tithing, it was an issue about my heart. So I wouldn't tithe digitally. I would go, and I would withdraw the cash every single week, and I would put the cash in the bucket until I could do that without feeling that, oh, gosh, I really don't want to hand this over. Like, that tension in my heart of, like, oh, man, this is like, is this crazy? Like, why am I throwing away this money? Like, all of those things that come up when you start to, like, tithe. And I did the same thing every week. Now, on the outside, that looked the same. Like, the same money went in the same bucket every week. But from one month to next month to next month to next month, what happened in my heart was the lordship of Jesus Christ took over in that area of finance, and he became lord over my finances in a way that doesn't make sense to this world at all. At all. And my family still struggle with, like, but you're right, it doesn't always look like something practical, the outworking. At some point, I think eventually it will, because if he's lord, eventually things will move and change and shake. But the same action one month compared to six months later had a very different heart posture. And it was that. That God was after. And then as soon as that heart posture changed, in my heart, he's like, you can digitally tithe now. [00:28:33] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:28:34] Speaker A: I needed to feel that tension every time I did it so that the Lord could wear away the lies that I was believing or, like, invite me into a greater place of trust in him. But, yeah, sometimes it looks like something, sometimes it doesn't. But it's our heart that he's after. He's looking for. He ascended so that he could descend, and he chose not to walk. This is what Jesus is like. It's actually to your benefit that I leave. Like, he chose not to walk with us. He wants to dwell in us and his chosen place for the manifest glory of God on earth today is our hearts. Like, we. We're like, oh, God, you know, bring down your glory. He's like, I want. I want that to reside. Like, your heart is my chosen resting place. So I think sometimes we focus on, like, how do we get more of God? It's like, no, no. We just have to look inside of us and make more space for him to inhabit. Like, oh, I've kept you in the kitchen. Okay, now you can have the lounge room. Now you can have the bedroom. Now you can have the bathroom. Now you can have the garden. So rather than trying to get more of him, I'm just like, he, one day we will be cloaked in glory, but right now, he wants our hearts to be the container of his glory. [00:29:54] Speaker B: Amen. I feel like that's a good place. [00:29:57] Speaker A: To end this episode. [00:29:58] Speaker B: I feel like I have so many questions, and you guys all probably have questions, too. Make sure you send those questions to us because we'll be coming back at the end of the season to answer questions. Maybe we'll get you to jump in. [00:30:08] Speaker A: On that as well. I don't know. [00:30:09] Speaker B: We'll see what happens. [00:30:10] Speaker A: Oh, awesome. [00:30:10] Speaker B: Depends how many questions people have about you and the episodes that you do. But we're also getting Erin back on an episode in a couple of episodes time, and we're going to get very, very practical about the secret place and intimacy with God, so stay tuned for that. But, Erin, thank you for being on with us. This has been so, so fun. [00:30:27] Speaker A: What a joy. [00:30:28] Speaker B: Thank you for sharing your heart. And to all the young adults out there listening, we flip and love you and we can't wait until the next episode, so good bye.

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