Practical: The Secret Place

Episode 6 April 15, 2024 00:44:38
Practical: The Secret Place
The YA Podcast
Practical: The Secret Place

Apr 15 2024 | 00:44:38


Show Notes

EPISODE 6: Practical with Kelsey McDonald and Erin Planner

Join us as we get practical on the secret place - what does the secret place look like, and how do we cultivate a flourishing, exciting and intimate daily time with God? Check out our show notes for Erin's Prayer Toolbox, which is a great resource for investing into your secret place!



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[00:00:02] Speaker A: Welcome to the YA podcast. [00:00:04] Speaker B: Lean in. As we dive into the practicals of. [00:00:07] Speaker A: Life with Jesus as spirit filled young adults. Hello, everyone, and welcome back to welcome to the YA podcast. This is episode six of season one, and I'm here again with Pastor Aaron Planner. How you doing? [00:00:36] Speaker B: I'm doing good. That is good to hear. [00:00:40] Speaker A: Thank you so much for joining us for the last episode that you did. I feel like our young adults got so much out of it, and today we want to jump straight into some more practical stuff. [00:00:49] Speaker B: Yes. [00:00:49] Speaker A: Obviously, you guys know that we're trying to strike up that balance of, we want to hear what's on people's hearts and, you know, the testimonies of God and all of those sorts of things, but we also want to get practical. Yeah. The things even that we're hearing on a Sunday and that are on the Lord's heart and going, okay, if that's what's on the Lord's heart, how do I make that happen in my day to day? And today, we want to specifically talk about the secret place. We want to talk about that deeper place of intimacy with God. And I feel like this is something, Aaron, that when I look at the fruit of your life, this is one of the things I would say if someone was to ask me, what do you love about Aaron? I would say, she is a lover of Jesus. And not just a platform love, not just a all put together love, but a genuine, deep love. You're laughing. Cause you're like, I know. [00:01:36] Speaker B: I've never put together. He loves my messiness. He loves my messiness. [00:01:44] Speaker A: I feel like you're someone that I can look to as a young adult, and, you know, I look to you as a mentor and a friend and a pastor, and I can go, I see what the Lord's doing in your life, and I want to receive of that impartation into my life and really a place that this conversation started for us. In early 2023, Erin and I went for coffee during the summer holidays. [00:02:05] Speaker B: Everything was good. Happens with coffee. [00:02:06] Speaker A: Just saying amen. And I was just like, what the heck is happening in your life? I was like, honestly, I feel like the Lord's asking me to grow in my prayer life and my secret place. And I see what's happening on your life and what the heck is going on that is getting you to where you are now. Because, I mean, for context as well, most of you guys have probably been on that journey, but, you know, 2022, the Lord moved powerfully, powerfully, powerfully through our church and through our leaders, and we're so thankful for that season. And it's just been growing and growing and, you know, us learning more and more of what God's heart is in that. And there were multiple times that I would see Aaron just having these crazy manifestations of God. And I'm like, is she okay? Like, what's going on? But seeing and sensing the Lord's heart for her so deeply and, like, the way that I would see that manifest in a corporate space. And so I was going to her going kind of almost the question of, how do I get that? But really the question I was asking was, how did you get there? And, you know, I honestly would probably reflect and say there was probably part of my heart that was like, I want the manifestation. But then you were like, it takes a lot of hard work. And I'm like, oh, I don't want the hard work. Which, I mean, if we all were honest, all of us probably sometimes have felt like that at some point in time, but it really shifted my heart and my perspective on the secret place and God's heart towards us in those spaces. So I would love, Erin, if you could share a little bit about what that journey was like for you, what those experiences have been like. But more than that, like, what's that journey of, that deeper intimacy growing with Jesus been, like for you? [00:03:44] Speaker B: Yeah. Oh, such a good topic. I think. So I had, like, a radical moment of surrender that we kind of talked about in the last podcast, and that was in about middle of 2017. So I kind of got to a place where I was like, okay, God, you're not your savior of my life. You are Lord of my life, and I surrender everything to you. So there was a moment of surrender, and then there was a journey of consecration. So it was a moment of surrender, and then there was a journey of consecration where he was like, okay, this is the way everlasting. Like, I'm going to show you what that looks like, and I'm going to show you who I am. And, um, I'm going to invite you to walk this way. I'm not going to force you. I'm not going to, you know, say, you have to do. It's like, it's just an invitation in the kindness and gentleness of the Lord of, like, hey, here's what a consecrated life looks like. [00:04:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:04:40] Speaker B: So probably started that journey. I would say, like, literally then in, like, 2017 where it was like, bit after bit, it was like, okay, I release this. I release control of this. I give this up. And he started to come and inhabit, like, every area of my life in that way. So my friendships changed radically multiple times. And I felt like that was very unfair at the time. Like, I had a lot of conversations, a lot about that, like, but I've just got in a place where I've, like, got this great group of friends and Lord's like, yeah, I'm about to take you on the narrow path. Like, not everyone will choose to go this way. So you can choose to stay with them or you can choose to keep walking. And some of those things were really challenging. Like, I'm not gonna lie, they were. There was a lot of tears, and Jesus sat with me in all the tears all the times. And I guess, yeah, he had something good in all of those things, but it was, I guess, a journey of consecration of our heart and of our lives to him. And that kind of went step by step. So I had even moments in my ministry life where, like, I was in previously to this role, was in a different role. I was looking after the operations of our church, and at the end of that year, I felt like, I think it was 2021. Felt like the Lord say, hey, like, this is it. Like, you've completed the mission. And that was a really shocking thing to hear. Like, I didn't think that it was going to be a short season and. And even just had to surrender. Like I said, I went and had a chat with our senior pastors and my leader, oversight at the time, and was like, hey, I feel like the Lord is speaking and can we have a chat about this? Is the Lord saying anything to you in this space? Do I just need a holiday, or do you think this is the Lord? [00:06:33] Speaker A: This is a fair question to ask. [00:06:34] Speaker B: Yeah, totally, totally. Oh, it was the end of two years of COVID I was like, yeah, your girls a little tired, but I do feel like this is maybe the Lord transitioning me, even though I fully don't know what I'm transitioning to at all. Like, I had no other thing to go to. It was a very abrahamic thing. But even then, I felt like the Lord was like, will you trust me? Like, will you give this up? Will you trust me to where I'm leading you? I'm like, yeah, you've taken me this far. Like, I know you're not going to abandon me now. And even just giving up things like that, things that I. The way that I thought things were going to be and what I thought things were going to look like, and just knowing him, knowing him as provider, knowing him as the good shepherd and sort of did. I've had moments in my life where there's kind of been big moments of surrender. And, yeah, 2017 was one of them. I think that moment at the end of 2021 where I was like, yeah, I'm okay. You're saying to give up this ministry role, and I don't know what you're doing or where you're leading me, but, like, there was a collective witness in all the leaders over my life and the people discipling me, my spiritual parents, that, like, this was the end of a season. So I gave that up, saying, like, okay, I don't know what's next, but I know the Lord's saying this and I'm just gonna trust him. And a beautiful dying that happens in all of those places, death to self, that allows Jesus to take up more residence in your heart and in your life. And that was 20 into 2021. And then in 2022, in the, yeah, about October, I think, of 2022, I had a radical encounter with the Lord that really did change the trajectory of so much I had been through this season. I think in 2020, 2021, of a lot of just healing in my heart. A lot of healing and a lot of identity. Like, God was on identity. A lot of places where I was receiving value worth an affirmation that were not from Jesus, not even from bad places, but they weren't from him. And so that's like, that's some orphan things happening in our heart, in that space. So he'd take me on that journey probably for those two and a half years of just. It was actually quite an intense journey. Like, my journey with the Lord is quite intense. It's very compressed and quite like, I didn't find him really until I was thirties. I was like, right, we've got a lot of work to do. [00:08:53] Speaker A: We gotta make up time. [00:08:55] Speaker B: So just really dealing with stuff in my heart, like, you know, I'd do something, I'd speak or do, I don't know, like a prayer on platform or something. I'd get off and I'd be like, I'd ask like a friend of mine, like, oh, was that okay? Like, did that kind of hit the mark or whatever? And the Lord would be like, wrong question. Like, he'd rebuke me. Like, wrong question. Like, were you obedient? Like, you're looking to someone to confirm it wasn't in a bad way. I wanted to honor and steward well what had been entrusted to me. But I wasn't asking him. He wanted to touch places of my heart. Where, yeah, I was looking for fellowship. I was looking for relationship and I guess, like, companionship in things that were not him in ways that only he can give. So I'd been on this journey and done a lot of, like, counseling, so. So all the things, and felt like I made a lot of progress, to be honest. Like, felt like there was a lot in me that had. Yeah, that God had replaced things that I was getting worth or value or affirmation from. From the world or from others. And had I put him back in his rightful spot in the godspot. But I did feel like I kind of got to this level where I was. There was just some little last thing to break. And I was like, I know that I can't. This is the work of the spirit, right? Like, we can't make ourselves become sons and daughters. Like, it is only by his spirit. And I think sometimes we do a lot try and make ourselves sons and daughters, but it's actually only by our surrender and allowing him to do that, the Holy Spirit to do that work in us. And, yeah, had a radical encounter in a very unexpected way. And probably after 20 minutes, maybe 2030 minutes on the floor with people praying and prophesying over me, I got up off the floor. I was at another church at the time, and, oh, my gosh, like, I. The craziest manifestations. And I say that because God didn't have to manifest in any way in and through my body, but he did so so that things would be broken in the doing. So I have a recording of the prophecy and that moment, thank goodness, because I use it a lot to go back to, but it was like things were being. If you heard it, it would be like, things are being burnt off me. Things were being burnt into me. It was like crying, wailing, screaming, like, all the things. And I remember the Lord started to come and rest upon my body, and I remember very distinctly this moment where I felt like what was happening was not any more socially acceptable within the setting that I was in. And I remember the Holy Spirit clearly. I remember having such a clear moment of decision, and he's like, will you let me take you over? Oh. And I remember really being like, my yes, in this moment is unconditional. And I remember saying yes. And it was like, in that moment, okay, yes, there was crazy manifestations. But what he did in me was, like, a bit of a finishing work of what he had started, like, three years, four years before. And, like, I went to shake for, like, three days after that was just, like, bouncing and shaking around constantly in all the settings. I remember we went out for burgers afterwards and I was sitting in the restaurant just like, could not stop shaking and feeling very uncomfortable about him being like, oh, I've said yes. Like, I have no choice now. Like it is, it's a full yes to the Lord. But what he was doing in me was this. I got off, I got up off the floor very different. I remember my brain thought differently. I remember thinking things and being like, oh my gosh, I don't think like this now. I think like this, oh my goodness, there was insecurity completely. I mean, I think it always tries to have a little word in, but like, what was in me in that space completely left. There was some, like, there was like a seriousness that I had that had come through some trauma in my life that completely left. But it was the intimacy, I think, with the Lord and with walking with the Lord that in these moments of surrender then entered into a whole new place of being with him. And I think sometimes we can often think about the secret place as a room, a location, a space, a time. It's my 1 hour in the morning with the Lord. It's my prayer closet, it's my prayer chair. And they're all good, but the secret place is something inside of us. I feel like often I'm constantly in this secret place going around in the day with the Lord. And I think sometimes, I mean, I know the way sometimes I was taught was like, okay, your secret place with the Lord is like, you know, an hour in the morning. And that's the goal. Like the goal is to have your 1 hour prayer with the Lord in the morning. And you get to tick some like christianese box. And then, you know, and I tithe tick and I have my 1 hour of reading Bible in the morning tick, and we miss the whole point. Yeah, like the point is, is Jesus the point of the 1 hour of prayer, or whatever it is, is not to tick a box and be like, yeah, I'm a good Christian. I did my 1 hour prayer. The whole reason why some of these containers, or I guess teachings have come is him like, he's the goal to be with him, to find him, to not even talk to him sometimes, just to be with him sometimes. He is the prize. He is the goal. Not the 1 hour in the secret place. To actually allow the secret place to become within you, that's the goal. To allow him to be in intimate relationship with you. That's the goal. And these things are just the tools and some of the functional processes around that. And I think sometimes we can wonder why we have dry prayer lives or wonder why we seem to be just gone around the same circle with prayer every time. It's like, I read my Bible, I do 15 minutes of devotion, I listen to music for 15 minutes and, like, worship the Lord for 15 minutes. And I'm like, it just feels so empty. I think it's sometimes because we're more focused on some of the, I guess, containers or. Yeah. Processes rather than being focused on him. [00:15:17] Speaker A: Yes. [00:15:19] Speaker B: So here's the goal. He is the prize. How you get to him or how you get to have that time with him can look a thousand ways. And in my week it really does. Like, I'm big on consistency and I'm big on, like, discipline, but not discipline in like, a forced way of like, like your netball coach when you were like, 13 was like, you know, you've got to run and you've got to do this and you've got to da da da. But in like, I'm going to be disciplined to make sure that my heart finds him every day at the beginning of the day that I am centered on him. I was talking to a friend the other day and they were just talking about how they'd gone away and they're like, yeah, I didn't really pray the entire time. And he's like, yeah, but I just had this moment where I got on this level, like rubber floaty, and I just float there in, like, the bush area. He's like, I just floated down the river for like an hour and it was so good. And I'm like, dude, that was your prayer. Like, silence and solitude is a type of prayer and that's exactly what you need. Like, has a very busy life. And so I think sometimes we think about the secret place as being like something very, like, one dimensional, one way. But what my friend needed was a secret place that was a type of prayer which is called solitude and silence, which he lives a very busy life. So of course that's the kind of prayer he needs. [00:16:33] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:16:34] Speaker B: And floating on a floaty down the river for an hour, that was the best kind of prayer that he needed for that day. So I think a big thing in terms of my growth with God or my fostering of the secret place is to actually realize that the secret place can look like a lot of things. And depending on what's happening in my world at the time, what's happening in my life, what the Lord wants to speak to me about that looks very different. Yeah. [00:17:06] Speaker A: And I think something that Erin and I were talking about before we started recording was when the disciples asked Jesus, teach us how to pray. [00:17:16] Speaker B: Yep. [00:17:16] Speaker A: And, I mean, I pulled it up. Just send. And you guys know it well. Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in. In heaven. Give us to say our daily bread. Forgive us our debts. Lead us not into temptation. Deliver us from evil. The goal. So when the disciples asked Jesus. Cause they were seeing the fruit of his life and going, well, if you retreat to pray with the father, and then you can go into these spaces and places and see people healed and, you know, literally like the dead rays and all of these, they're like, teach us to pray. Which is a good question to ask. I'm glad the disciples asked that question and not teach us how to heal the sick or teach us how to, you know, preach. Because it's like, well, they actually saw that the fruit of Jesus life was a deep well of prayer and intimacy with the father, and then they saw the fruit of his life. So good job, disciples. You asked the right questions. But something that I really notice in that is really this whole prayer is us accessing heaven on earth. [00:18:18] Speaker B: Yep. [00:18:19] Speaker A: You know, even forgiveness. Forgiveness is us having our heart right before God so that we can encounter more of him. [00:18:25] Speaker B: Yes. [00:18:26] Speaker A: You know, us being, you know, delivered from temptation and delivered from evil is us getting our boundaries in the right place so that we can have more of him. It's literally about more of him on earth right now. And it's the tension of kingdom now versus kingdom to come. And, you know, acknowledging that, you know, yes, we will get to be before the father one day in heaven, but we also have eternity in us now to steward. And it's always with us, and Jesus is always with us. But us praying and learning to almost, like, shape our lives around this prayer is us going, how can I experience more of the kingdom right now, in this moment, right now, in the secret place, right now, in my commute to work, right now, you know, in this conversation, whatever that looks like. And, you know, it's the same thing. You know, Jesus is kingdom. It's all us experiencing the fullness of reality that God actually has on offer for us. [00:19:22] Speaker B: Because Jesus only ever did what the father was doing, right? [00:19:25] Speaker A: So. [00:19:28] Speaker B: The power of God is himself personified, like himself manifest. So Jesus only did what the father was doing. So the fruitfulness of our life will come when we say what the Lord is saying, when we do what the Lord is doing. We are just the conduit of what he is bringing from heaven to earth. So we can only know that when we know him. [00:19:55] Speaker A: Yes. [00:19:56] Speaker B: We can only walk like that when we know him. We can only say what he's saying when we know him. And we know what he's saying. We can only do what he's doing when we. When we know him. And we know what he's doing. And the knowing of him comes from time with him. Like anything. Like, the more time I spend with you, Kels, the more I get to know you, the more I know what you think about, the more I can, you know? Oh, yeah. I bet Kelsey's thinking like this now. I can read an expression on your face, and it's like that with him. [00:20:24] Speaker A: But then it's even funny to think this is gonna sound so silly, but it's like, can you imagine if every time we caught up, it's like, okay, me and Erin are gonna catch up every morning for an hour, and we're gonna spend 15 minutes talking about this, and then we're gonna spend 15 minutes talking about this, and then we're gonna spend. I'm gonna talk for 15 minutes about all my problems. [00:20:40] Speaker B: Yep. [00:20:40] Speaker A: And then I'm gonna go and tell her something else. And I'm gonna tell her something else, and it's like, yes. [00:20:45] Speaker B: Yes. [00:20:46] Speaker A: Yeah, we'll get to know each other a bit. But there's so much more to Erin that I'm missing, because I'm trying to box in what our relationship looks like. [00:20:53] Speaker B: Totally. [00:20:54] Speaker A: I love the moments where, you know, we're walking through the office, and I just stopped by your desk, and we have a chat. [00:20:59] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:20:59] Speaker A: It's like, they're the moments that actually build relationship. And so why do we, like, I think I saw this thing that was like, if we talk to a friend the way we talk to God, and it's like, totally, hey, Erin, thank you for this. And, hey, Erin, can you do this? And, hey, Erin, can you blah, blah, blah? And when we put it like that. [00:21:13] Speaker B: It'S like, that's so ridiculous. Why do we treat God like that? I know. And he's so. [00:21:17] Speaker A: God just wants to be in all of our moments. [00:21:20] Speaker B: Yes. And he's so, like, I just think I never would turn up to, like, I think sometimes the way we come to the Lord, like, I would never turn up to have a coffee with you and imagine that you're gonna be wearing the same thing. You're gonna say the same thing. You're gonna be in the same mood, you're gonna think the same thoughts, like, and yet we don't come to him. We don't come to Jesus being like, what's on your heart today, lord? Like, what. What are you. Like, how are you? Like, what is the thing that is really on your heart today? For my family, for me, for the city, for the nation, for my church, whatever it is. Like, and what do you want to do today, God? Like, oh, let's just sit together. Let's just, let's just, let's just. Let's just worship. Like, what are you like? He is a person. Like, the holy spirit is a person. Jesus is a person. Like, father God is a person. Like, he has a character. He has a nature. He has things that are on his heart today. He has, he has things that he wants to. That he's been dying. And to tell you, like, he, he, you know, like, sometimes I walk in, I'm like, oh, my gosh, jesus in such a cheeky mood today. It's gonna be a good day. Like, wow, come on. Like, he has character and personality and thoughts, and when we can actually tap into that, my gosh, that's a whole. Your prayer life will never be boring because he is not boring. He is not boring at all. [00:22:45] Speaker A: You can't read scriptures like, we get to know the thoughts of God or let us understand the height, depth, breadth of God's love. Like, I actually can't read scriptures like that and go, yeah, my prayer life is going to look cookie cutter every day. And my word life is going to look because I'm like, there's heights and depths and breadths of God that I haven't got to experience it. So I'm like, God, I want to see more of that. [00:23:08] Speaker B: Yeah. And I think even just, like, breaking religious thinking of like, oh, I'm a good Christian. If I do this and this and this, and, like, sometimes in the season of my life, my morning prayer time looks like a 30 minutes walk in nature. Because in nature, oh, I feel like the peace of God like nothing else. And I'm just. And then sometimes we'll just walk together and I won't say anything. He won't say anything. I will just feel his peace and receive of his peace. And that's actually, that. That's prayer. Like, that's the secret place. Or sometimes it'll look like painting. Like, I'm creative. Like, sometimes it's like, oh, I'm just gonna, like, paint and create, and, like, then the Lord will start to speak to me about something as I'm doing that. Or, yeah, sometimes it is like, okay, I'm gonna start to read this scripture. I start to read. I get, like, two phrases in, and he's like, yeah, let's talk about this. Like, oh, wow, okay, great. Or sometimes God's like, your soul. Aaron has had a huge week. Will you come and bring your soul to me? And I just go into, like, a guided meditation, and I just imagine myself, like, sitting with father God, and he actually tells me what's happened in my week. [00:24:16] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:24:17] Speaker B: Things that I don't even know about, things I haven't even realized are happening in my heart and in my soul. And then he just ministers his love to places. Like. So I think the biggest, like, key to the secret place is understanding that. Like, it. I mean, we know it's not a place, but, like, it's not even. It doesn't even have to look like one thing. It can look like many things. And if you're having time that you feel like is like, you're not connecting with the Lord, try something else. Ask the Holy Spirit. He actually is an amazing teacher. Yeah, yeah. And try different things. And, you know, the religious kind of voice will be like, oh, yeah, but that isn't prayer. And, like, you know, floating on a floaty down the river in psalms mythology isn't prayer. Yeah, it is. It is. Like, you can. You can actually just break that lie. Like, it actually is. [00:25:06] Speaker A: Yes. [00:25:08] Speaker B: If you connect in nature, go out in nature. If. If you're someone who, like, connects with the Lord through. I know friends of mine who, like, they just love looking up the meaning meanings of different words in the Bible and just connect with the Lord through that. Do that. Like, if you are experiencing him, if you are in union and communion with him, you are in, you know, relationship with him. Just follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Allow it to look like what the Lord is allowing. Like, allowing in that season. Let him guide you. [00:25:41] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:42] Speaker B: Yeah, I think, yeah. The religious voice gets really big in that space. Is like, it has a look like this. It's not that. Well, if you don't read scripture for five days, do you really know the Lord? It's like, mate. I know christians that read scripture every day of the week and are filled with bitterness and unforgiveness and are walking in hatred. Like, tell me who's more Christ. Like, we need the word of God. Don't hear what I'm not saying. We need the word of God. We need to actually be worshipers. We need. [00:26:04] Speaker A: And sometimes our worship to God, is the discipline of him saying, I want you to read Exodus. [00:26:09] Speaker B: Absolutely. I've just been through a season like that. Absolutely. He's like, I want you to read this. And he just. [00:26:15] Speaker A: And then the Holy Spirit just, like, wrecks you reading Leviticus, and you're like, yes. I didn't even think that was possible. [00:26:19] Speaker B: Totally. Actually, that exact thing happened to me. But I was like, oh, my gosh. Like, the reading liberties. I was like, the love of God. Like, he's like, if you can't bring me a bull, bring me this doves. If you can't bring me doves, bring me, like, grain offering. If you can't bring me, just bring me, like, some wildflowers. I was like, oh, my gosh. [00:26:37] Speaker A: The heart of God. [00:26:38] Speaker B: That is so. He's like, I will make any situation for any person, no matter their financial situation, I will make a way that they can come into right relationship with me. Like, even through small wildflowers. Like, if you have nothing, just bring me the wildflowers. I'm so desperate that you come into relationship with me, like, anyway, but yes. [00:26:59] Speaker A: Yeah. So to finish this episode, very, very, very practical, sort of to take everything that we've been talking about and to put it into a practical application for our young adults. You know, you've woken up, it's 630 in the morning. You're ready to head into the secret place, the quote unquote secret place, that time we're setting aside for God. You got your coffee, you've got your bible. [00:27:23] Speaker B: Yes. [00:27:24] Speaker A: What are you asking, holy spirit, when you come into that moment to help set you up for that time that you're setting aside for him? [00:27:31] Speaker B: Yeah, I would think about it, like, creating. Thinking, like, processing with holy spirit. What are. I like to call them greenhouses. Like, what are greenhouses throughout my day? Like, not just in the morning. Might be at lunchtime if I'm working a hectic corporate job. Like, I'm gonna need the Lord, like, at lunchtime, and maybe my car becomes that place. Like, you know, just sitting in my car for 30 minutes. But I would be asking the Lord, like, okay, what are the greenhouses in my life that are spaces throughout the day where greenhouses, they protect, right? While things are cultivated. So I'm asking the Lord, like, in this season of my life. And I'm actually like, yeah, I'm just in. Like, we're in a seasonal change at the moment. So I'm asking the Lord, like, what does that look like in my life, right? For this season, what are the greenhouses in my life where I can cultivate the love of God, both receiving the love of God as well as loving God. So both ways. What are the times of day that I'm going to create greenhouses or places I'm going to create greenhouses where I can cultivate that in a very intentional way where it's protected, like, in a greenhouse. It's protected from my phone interrupting me. It's protected from all the thoughts that fly through my head in the day and it's time that's protected from anything or anyone else. So I'm more thinking like, okay, God, what are these greenhouses and what do they look like? So at the moment, I probably got, like, bible reading in the morning breath prayer, middle of the day, and then I've got, I really felt like the Lord was like, I want you. My, there's some little foxes that are entering my, like, evening time. [00:29:08] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:29:09] Speaker B: I really felt like the Lord just spoke to me recently. He's like, I want you to come away with me for 30 minutes, like, at the end of your day, and I want you to just walk the yarrow trail with me for 30 minutes at the end of the day. And I'm gonna, I'm just gonna speak to him. We're just gonna recalibrate, like, the day. [00:29:23] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:29:24] Speaker B: And so, okay, they're my greenhouses. They're my times now. Throughout the rest of the day, between my morning devotion and Bible reading and between that breath prayer in the middle of the day, the posture of my heart towards the Lord remains there. It's like I get into, I read the word of God and I'm like, oh, I just allow the word to wash over me a lot of the time and I allow my heart's affections to be turned towards the Lord. So it's a greenhouse that actually protects that space of, like, yeah. Right now, nothing's going to interrupt me receiving the love of God and loving him back. Now, I want to continue in that place for the rest of the day, but in case something happens in the day, like I read a heavy email or, you know, some family crisis happens or someone says something that throws me, it's like, oh, I've got another greenhouse in the middle of the day. Okay. The Lord is my shepherd, you shall not want. The Lord is my shepherd. Oh, yeah, right. My heart's reoriented back to Lord. Oh, yeah. I'm receiving your love right now, and I'm kissing towards you, Lord. [00:30:23] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:30:23] Speaker B: And then, okay, let's continue throughout the rest of the day. In that almost, like a conscious awareness of the secret place. And then, oh, I get to the end of the day, oh, yep, something happened. Some crazy happened. I'm really exhausted. Like, whatever it is, I'm like, okay, I'm going to come away with the Lord. Another little greenhouse where I'm like, yep, this is protected space. [00:30:42] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:30:42] Speaker B: Beautiful. So I think asking God, like, what do those things look like? Are they morning? Are they morning and night? Are they morning, midday and night? Like, whatever it looks like. Maybe you're doing shift work. And the Lord's like, I just want you to sit in your car at the end of your shift for ten minutes before you go into your house and just, this is gonna be a secret place for us in this season. Yeah. Does that answer your question? [00:31:06] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I think that's beautiful. And, yes, I think, as well, like, we all just need to throw off the lie of, if you don't do your secret place in the morning and, you know, you missed that. Cause you slept in or whatever, that you're a terrible question. Like, just throw that. It's not true. And I think something that was really helpful for me in. [00:31:26] Speaker B: Thanks, Lord. [00:31:27] Speaker A: Almost after we had that conversation over coffee, like, something that I really. That you said that really ministered to me was you were sort of like, you know, yes, we're intentional with being self controlled and being disciplined to set that side a time. But what that time looks like, you know, the Lord will minister to us each day in that if we're willing to stop and actually ask him. [00:31:47] Speaker B: Yes. [00:31:48] Speaker A: And that's something that, you know, now, often when I come into the secret place, like, there'll be times that I'll sit down and I'm like, cool. So what are we doing today? Like, you know, I don't really want to be here right now. I'd rather just be in bed or, like, just being really honest. [00:32:02] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh. [00:32:03] Speaker A: We've all been there, man. [00:32:04] Speaker B: Totally. [00:32:05] Speaker A: And going like, okay, I maybe only have a little bit to bring before you this morning, God. And, like, even what Chuck has said in, like, one of his testimonies, it's like, okay, God, like, I'm just here. And he's like, yeah, but I'm just here. And sometimes that's. I'm like, I actually don't feel like I can open my Bible and read massive amounts of scripture today. So I'm just gonna put on worship music and read a psalm and just allow that to minister to me. And then I minister out of that. Like, it doesn't have to be complicated, and it doesn't have to be religious. It just needs to be the posture of our hearts being authentic and genuine. Before God gave, going, I'm here, God. I actually want, like, the desire of my heart, even if the desire of my flesh is to be in bed, the desire of my spirit and my. [00:32:48] Speaker B: Heart is actually to be with you 100%. [00:32:50] Speaker A: So I'm choosing. And that's actually something the Lord spoke to me about at the beginning of this year was like, what is the posture of your heart? [00:32:56] Speaker B: Yes. [00:32:57] Speaker A: And that, like, sometimes I'll get to the end of the day and be like, you know what? The posture of my heart today was kind of crappy. You're not gonna lie. I'll be like, I didn't get out of bed on time. I sort of fluffed through my day, and I got to the end, and I feel really empty and, you know, a bit bomby about it. And God's like, okay, well, I'm almost giving you a really easy measure of repentance to go, okay, God, I'm sorry that my posture wasn't right for the whole day, but I know you can redeem anything. So come and redeem this for me right now before I go to bed, that I can feel like I've had connection with you. [00:33:25] Speaker B: Yes, God, totally, totally, totally. I think it's really important for us to know that God is not looking for our perfection. He is looking for our devotion. He is looking for devoted hearts, not perfect lives. So. Totally. I've had days where I'm like, oh, man, I'm barely saved today. Like, I feel barely saved. And I get tonight, and I'm like, okay. And I just sit on my bed, and I'm like, God, I got 15 minutes, probably before I fall asleep. And I am just going to use these 15 minutes to turn my heart towards you and know that you, like, that is the joy of your heart, to see me do that and that you are like, here I am, like. And that you kiss my face and that you lay down beside me and that you're just like, yeah, I just wanted to be just you. And I like, I've just been waiting all day that you would come to me. And he's like, yeah, I know. The day you had, like, I was there, I saw it all. Like, and just to even, like, then sometimes he shows me where he's been in my day, and sometimes it's literally those 15 minutes, but it's like, he. What? He will take whatever we give him. Like, he is jealous for our hearts and for our lives. And so, yeah, my, I think to grow in. Like, we want to live from the secret place. Yes. Like, we want to walk around living from that deep well and living from the secret place to be hidden so deep in the heart of Jesus that that's where we. That's where all the love is. Like, that's where we want to minister from. That's where we want to work from. That's where we want to do whatever it is that we're doing from. And sometimes it seems a lot to be like, oh, gosh, I've got to give an hour, 2 hours or whatever. Just start by giving him the little moments in your day. Like, what if this week, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in your lunch break, instead of sitting with your colleagues, you just go and sit on a park bench somewhere outside? Or you go and sit in your car and you just throw on worship music and you just say, God, I'm dedicating these 1520 minutes of my break to you. And it's up to him now. Like, do whatever you want to do. Say whatever you want to say, or just be with me. Whatever it looks like those little moments, like, oh, man, he will shock you. [00:35:40] Speaker A: Yeah. And that's just the grace of God. Hey. Like, our brains and our worldly performance paradigms say, if I do more, I'll get more. Whereas God's like, oh, you've only got five minutes. Let me just wreck you with my holy spirit. Or, like, you know, moments where, like, I know for me, there's sometimes that, like, I'll rock up on a Sunday and I'm on, like, platform, and I'm like, oh, man. Like, I really just in myself. Like, I feel like I don't have what I need in this moment. Yeah, totally stewed my secret place as well as where you are, blah, blah, blah. But then God's like, but my grace, my grace, my grace, my grace, my grace. Like, he just totally, you know, there's always stewardship. Always, always stewardship. And I think that's, you know, another tension we've been talking about. Tensions. I don't know if it's happened yet in this season or not, but there's an episode coming on. Tensions. Yeah, that's another one where it's like, God's grace is so abundant for us. [00:36:33] Speaker B: Totally. [00:36:33] Speaker A: Yes, there's stewardship and there's self control and there's discipline. But God's grace when our heart is pure before him and we're going, you know what? [00:36:39] Speaker B: God? [00:36:40] Speaker A: I've had a really rough day, and I haven't felt your presence, but I want to feel your presence. [00:36:43] Speaker B: He's like, yes, yes. And the thing, like, shame comes in in those moments. Like, shame and condemnation comes in of like, yeah, but it wasn't good enough. And my. I know my friend's fasting for 70 days this week and, like, that. And you just have to, like, that is not the Lord's heart towards you. Like, God is not comparing you. Like, he is not seeing if you measure up. Like, he is not looking for a perfect christian because there isn't one. He. He just. He's just so hungry to be with you. He is so desperate to be with you. Like, and so if you're like, yeah, maybe you're, like, working in a crazy corporate job and, like, you've got a deadline that's coming this week. And you're like, you've been, like, like, this entire week. You've been able to spend no time with the Lord. Like, just chuck on a worship song on the way to work in the tram or in the car, get home, and literally just put a timer on five minutes before you walk into the house, dedicate the five minutes to him and just be like, God, I feel like I've not been enough today. I'm just giving you these five minutes and let him minister to your heart and tell you that you are enough for him, that he's not disappointed with you. Like, just the little things that you have. He knows. Like, he knows, he knows. He knows he's not disappointed with you. He doesn't. He's not like, oh, yeah, well, that's my. That's Aaron. Gosh, you know, I wish that this week when her deadline was hitting, she prioritized me over the deadline. He's just like, oh, there's my beautiful daughter. Oh, my gosh. Look, she's turning her heart towards me. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go, holy spirit. Let's go, Jesus. Like, here we come. So I think a right revelation of God's heart towards us, like, we. We sometimes feel shame, which puts up a barrier between the Lord and us. But Jesus actually took all of the shame and condemnation on himself to make the way for us, not just once and for all. Like, not just with sin, but, like, a constant way that we can just receive more of his grace. So I think even closing our eyes and imagining how we see God and if we see him, you know, like, oh, I'm disappointed that Aaron tripped up on her 40 day Bible reading plan or whatever. It's like, it's not like that. He's not. He's not like that. He's like, oh, he's the one. He's my favorite. Like, here's Kelsey. He is my favorite daughter. Like, we're his favorites, right? We're all his favorites. But, like, that revelation of, like, I think of myself, I'm like, he's like, here's Erin, my beloved. Here's Erin, my favorite one. Oh, here's Aaron. Oh, my gosh, I love it when she comes. I'm just always waiting for her to come and be with me. Like, to meditate on the. The right character of the father, to meditate on how he truly perceives us allows us to come to those places much more frequently. Much more regularly without shame of, like, you know, I should have. And, you know, I'm a pastor, and if I'm not praying for 70 hours a week, I'm the prayer pastor, and I should, you know, the voice of shame sounds like that, right? Like, it's like you're the prayer pastor. If you're not praying for 70 hours a week, like, oh, what do you know? Well, you know, that's really bad. [00:39:35] Speaker A: And, like, you shouldn't. [00:39:36] Speaker B: Da da da da. And, you know, all these voices that come like, that we all have, like, the voice of shame tries to get into everyone's head, but being like, oh, hang on a second. Let me remember who my father is. Like, okay, Jesus, I'm beholding you right now. And, Father God, I'm beholding you right now. And holy spirit, I'm beholding you. Father God, you're just like, my beloved's here. And Jesus, you're like, yes, come on, let's have some fun. And the Holy Spirit's like, oh, let me just pour some joy and contentment out on you. And you're like, yes. So I think the right understanding of the father and, like, even if, like, in your Bible, you just look at the character and the nature of God, of, like, you know, his goodness and his kindness, that's not just, like, an ideology. Like, we have sometimes made Christianity about saying the right things. Like, no, no, that's who he is. Like, to you, to me, that's. That's his nature. He cannot be anything else other than that. It's not like some days he can be, you know, grumpy and annoyed at you, and then other days he can be, like, full of goodness. No, he is good. Like, every good. He is goodness. Every goodness that exists on this world. Is him like, he is the source of good? He is. He is good. And so he's not looking at you, annoyed at you or frustrated or being like, oh, I really, like, she tried again and she failed. Like, God's heart is not like that. So, yeah. To just behold him and allow the right truth of scripture to transform the way that we see father, son and holy spirit will transform the way that you are able to come to him. Because your five minutes, you will realize five minutes of complete devotion of your heart is way better than 2 hours of religiously reading scripture because you're here and you have to and you're just getting through the pages and your heart's not connected to the Lord at all. So. Good. Some religious spirits didn't love that, but. [00:41:33] Speaker A: That'S it by religious spirits in an organization. [00:41:37] Speaker B: So if you're listening to this and you've struggled in that space and you, and you've maybe struggled with like, yeah. Feeling bad about not hitting perfect tasks that you've given for yourself or falling off the Bible reading plan like Jesus, we just welcome you into that space right now. And Father, I thank you that by the power of your holy spirit that you are just lifting off shame and condemnation, heavy mantle of perfectionism off us right now. And I thank you, Lord, that you are just looking for devoted hearts. And so, Lord, any strongholds that people have had in. Yeah, even things that we've been told. Prayer needs to look like all the secret place needs to look like, like, is it really prayer if we're just praying and walking with the Lord? Yeah, it is. If your heart's affection is towards the Lord, if you are in union with him, if you are being with him, that is prayer. Like him speaking, us listening, us speaking, him listening and being together is all prayer. And so, Lord, I just thank you that, yeah, you're breaking lies that we've believed in those spaces that I've believed that you are actually by that now ushering in a whole other depth and level of intimacy to swim in, to play in, to enjoy with you just by literally those lies being shifted. And so we come out of agreement with any lies that the secret place has to look a certain way or that you're looking for us to be perfect or that you're disappointed with us when we don't do what we've planned to do in the way we've planned to do it. And we usher in the truth that you are, oh my goodness, so excited and just anticipating for your loved ones to come to turn their heart's affection towards you, to be with you, to come, to seek your face. And I pray, Lord, that prayer lives through that, through that revelation of truth and that exchange right now for a life or a truth that people would swim in the beautiful waters of intimacy with you to depths that they have yet not experienced. Amen. God, let it be. Amen. [00:43:43] Speaker A: Let it be. Awesome. Thank you so much, Erin, for joining us. We love you. [00:43:47] Speaker B: I love you guys. I love our young adults community. God is doing something so special and unique, and I pray for that generation a lot. I'm so passionate about it. I think you're a very big key to what God is doing in this generation in revival. [00:44:03] Speaker A: Yeah. Keep praying for us. We need it. [00:44:05] Speaker B: We all need it. I need it. Yeah. [00:44:07] Speaker A: Amen. Awesome. Thank you so much, everyone, for joining, as always. If you've got any questions, hit us up on Instagram. We want to hear from you. We want to hear your thoughts. Other than that, we hope you have an amazing day, and we will see you next week. Ma.

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